Friday, January 23, 2015

Post to the future.

I'm just going to quote from a message I wrote to a friend, and it explains a bit about how I talk, and sometimes... think. That is when I do that.

By way of explanation, not excuse, sometimes I slide into 'social meme' talk, which does, now that you pointed it out, sound a bit Marlowesque. When I make obscure references to things that are kindof childish, it can be misinterpreted as being 'not all there'.

For quite a while, say about a couple years, I lived with this very pretty gal, and her lovely daughter who was 3 then 4 at the time. I got to watch her learn to talk. And I'd talk and play with her. We'd watch teletubbies together. Now, I know that the whole teletubby thing is a turn off for some people, and talking like a teletubby as a grown man, a computer technician nonetheless can cause some doubt in people's estimation of my ability.

"wut dat com-puteaaa? Weee, fan go round and round!! I make windows cwash! tee hee heee !'

So I channel that lingo into my talk, and people are like 'are you okay, dude?' and think I must have broken something in my psyche.
Most of it is a reference joke ... and sometimes I fail to let them in on what the joke is about... or I just came from a totally different place. Sharing teletubby talk on the internet with people who may not know, appreciate, or care about it... well. I still think it's funny.

(friend said I had a sardonic form of humor)

As far as sardonic humor goes... thank you so much. I am very complimented with that. Just the word 'Sardonic' alone made my ears perk up and wiggle a little. Who uses that word anymore? Well I do too, and refrain, because most people don't. So I drop to Teletubby level.


So that is what was in my IM to her, some of it. Personal references are left out, but one other thing I did say, that I couldn't quite fit in, again for personal reasons, is that we all need another pair of eyes.

I use this phrase in the printing  / desktop publishing job I do that I try to get paid for. When reading something, we always need another pair of eyes to make sure everything is spelled right, the t's are dotted and the i's are crossed.

Did you just get that? Yeah, see, it can be tricky.

But what I want are electronic eyes, that can superimpose the metadata on what one looks at in 'real life'. 

See, Google Glass tries to do this, but it's not ready yet. Oh, it's being rolled out now for real, but it's not REALLY there.

The next phase of seeing and thinking will be instant lookup of anything that has ever been 'recorded'. The show 'Person of Interest' hints at this in the character of 'root' who just knows stuff because the computer who guides her mind knows stuff.

And anyone on facebook kind of 'knows this' because we all have YouTube, and Google, and WebMD and and so many other ways of referencing, searching, confirming, or disproving.

It almost becomes psychopathic in the ability to find whatever kind of absurdity we are in search of, or wish to attempt to confirm.

Nowhen has there been so much at our fingertips, and probably at no point have people had so much access, and then become so lazy as to just say 'oh I don't need to know that, I'll just look it up later'.

I'm SO guilty of that too.

Anyway, I need to write the story of two "types" of people who live through the Earth's freezing... the so called global warming, then the other side of the equasion where everything freezes. Yes, people do make it through that, but in the interveining 300,000 years they change.

What will people be like in 300,000 years? Well, not James Kirk, or Bruce Willis, or ... although that would be nice.

No, it needs to be worked out different from what Hollywood - film producers - entertainment industry - marketers - say it should be.

The movie AI was one of my favorites. And most people didn't like it. Know why? The Humans ( us, our society ) does not win in the end. The android does. And those other transparent super race of whatever... does.

That to me, is Science Fiction done right.

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