It seems late in the game for me. Yet all time is a fungible asset when it comes to love, life, laughter, and happy. I am in a state of grace Well, technically, I'm in New Jersey. But I am befunded by bright friends, who wish me well, and make my tuniverse a pretty song. I could not wish for, ask for, dig for more. There are even some people who look up at me and say 'he seems to know the answers' as if I have it figured out. Well dear loves, I don't but I do get the joke. And that is the first step in strumming in tune with our universe. Because it's all based on string theory... no not the difficult mathematical type, but the basic strings that connect our lives, our stories, our songs to one another. I follow those strings from station to station, people to venues, and somehow, it starts to make sense. And then it all falls apart.
I sing freely loud and clear. I stand, not alone but with a friend by my side to say this.
I wish beyond all wishes that I could lead others who are confused, miserable, in search of... lead them to understand that THEY are the universe we live. But then this happens. We (sisTer Natasha and I ) get arrested for nothing. By those we entrust to protect and serve. I'm just telling the story, I am not judging. I love my brothers in uniform, you are doing what you think you know is right. I am not your accountant, but merely a few pennies what slipped through the crack.
I was in court earlier today. My sister, Natasha kept punching me in the arm, telling me WAKE UP. She kept telling me I was going to be thrown out of court for going to sleep during the proceedings. Sometimes I'd punch her back, a playful little slap of the arm, or a swat with my hat. "You asshole" she'd say. But we were keeping each other awake, and reminding each other of the deep shit we were SUPPOSED to be in. We both knew it was a joke. Well, it was so boring, and I really hate to tell it this way but it must be said. The monkeys who were trying to prop up this kangaroo court were busy in their books, I don't even know how well read they are, they were just posing as IF they thought it might impress those white folks, with their attempt at book learning. I saw how their eyes scanned the pages, the defense attorney was not reading, he was pretending to be knowledgeable. I saw through their lies and their idiocy. I saw through the bullshit today. and it just affirmed all that I know. A bunch of monkeys professing to be astute and fair, do what looks like due diligence, without any clue, and probably do more harm than good in trying, the best they know how in trying to do good in harms way. All they know is lies drugs and subtrefuge, so when an honest person comes along, they have no idea what to make of it. Are you a Drug User? Are you a Pusher? Are you a ... no. Don't you get it? I'm an innocent bystander. "What is that? Why weren't you trying to break a law? Everyone breaks laws, what were you doing to break a law?"
We stopped our car on 18th street in Newark. That is our criminal offense. The monkeys go look in their paper-bound books of pseudolegalese, and try and convince us that we did something wrong.
This, this right here, whether committed by white racial supremacists, or those of dark skin who do the same without realizing it... that is the difference between neadrathal, and homo-sapien. I just sit by and while it may seem I am going to sleep, I am just bored by the slowness. by the unknowning-ness, by the assumption of guilt by proximity of crime, and while all these things are going though my mind, one monkey looks up and says "Your honor, if I may" and looks back in his book and contemplates what to say next but doesn't really come up with anything but "I wish to argue the case of 3:15, b, section 8 of the code of" Blah blah blah. It is stupid defined. and unfortunatly I find myself in the middle of their babbling. And utterly chained by the law-books they do not seem to be able to read.
I need to take a shower now, fresh warm water, to cleanse me, help me understand how to get out of the muck of stupid.
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